Upcoming events
June 30
Ms. Kazuko Oishi left the lab. We thank her for great contribution to the lab for past years. We wish her a good luck.
April 1
Mr. Zenki Ikeda joined the lab.
October 1
Ms. Aiya Yesbolatova joined the lab.
June 1
Dr. Noritaka Masaki joined the lab.
April 1
Mr. Ken Fujii, Daichi Ukai, and Ms. Fumiko Iwase joined the lab.
March 31
Drs. Kenji Kimura and Yohei Kikuchi Left the lab. We thank them for huge contribution to the lab for past years. We wish them a good luck in their new place.
June 1
Dr. Takayuki Torisawa joined the lab as the assistant professor.
March 31
Dr. Kazunori Yamamoto left the lab, and started a new research at Prof. Guillaume Charras's lab at University College London, UK. Good luck!
April 11
Dr. Yuki Hara (Yamaguchi Univeristy, a former member of the lab) was awarded the Young Scientists’ Prize of the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. Congratulations!
March 24
Kazunori obtain Ph.D. and graduated from the Department of Genetics, SOKENDAI. Congratulations!
March 14
Kazunori received Morishima Award from the Department of Genetics, SOKENDAI, to honor his outstanding performances during PhD studies. Congratulations!
March 13
Our paper on the mechanism of emergence and reversal of cytoplasmic streaming in C. elegans has been published. The project was led by Dr. Kenji Kimura, and was a collaboration with Dr. Uchida's group at Kyushu Univ, Dr. Joanny's group at Institut Curie (France), Dr. Shimamoto's group at NIG and Dr. Hufnagel at EMBL (Germany).
Nov 26
Akatsuki gave a talk at Annual meeting for Biopysical Society of Japan at Tsukuba.
Nov 24-25
Akatsuki gave a talk at International Workshop on Hydrodynamic Flows in/of Cells, held at Tokyo, Japan
Oct 31-Nov.1
Akatsuki gave a lecture and seminar at Osaka University.
Oct 28-29
Akatsuki gave a talk at a symposium "Current and Future Perspectives in Active Matter
", held at Tokyo, Japan
Oct 19-21
Kazunori gave a talk at Autumn Symposium of Japanese Society for Developmental Biology, held at Mishima, Japan
Sept 14-15
Akatsuki gave a lecture and seminar at Kumamoto University.
Sept 4
Akatsuki gave a lecture at the Summer School of Society of Young Scientists in Biophysics.
Aug 29
Akatsuki gave a talk at a symposium at Tokyo on 10th anniversary of NIG Center for Frontier Research.
July 29
Ritsuya's paper was published! The work was a collaboration with Drs. Nagao, Higuchi (ISM), Kitajima (RIKEN CDB), Hufnagel (EMBL, Germany), Shinohara (Osaka Univ), and Ishikawa (Tohoku Univ).
Niwayama R., Nagao H., Kitajima T. S., Hufnagel L., Shinohara K., Higuchi T., Ishikawa T., *Kimura A. Bayesian Inference of Forces Causing Cytoplasmic Streaming in Caenorhabditis elegans Embryos and Mouse Oocytes. PLoS ONE 11, e0159917 (2016).
June 19
Akatsuki gave a small talk at Brown Bag Lunch seminar at Marine Biological Labortory (USA).
June 13
A collaboration research with Drs. Shigeru Matsumura and Fumiko Toyoshima' group (Kyoto Univ.) was published. Akatsuki contributed to the research.
*Matsumura S., Kojidani T., Kamioka Y., Uchida S., Haraguchi T., Kimura A., and Toyoshima F. Interphase adhesion geometry is transmitted to an internal regulator for spindle orientation via caveolin-1.
Nature Communications
7, 11858 (2016).
June 1
10th aniversary for the establishment of Cell Architecture Laboratory!
Thank you all for your kind support.
April 1
Kazuko Oishi and Tomoko Ozawa joined the lab as research technicians.
March 31
Tomo left the lab, and became a post-doc at Yamaguchi Univ (the Yumura Lab). Good luck, Tomo!
March 28
Akatsuki published a collaboration research with Drs. Tanimoto and Minc at Institut Jacques Monod (France).
Tanimoto H., *Kimura A., *Minc N. Shape-motion relationships of centering microtubule asters.
J. Cell Biol
212, 777-787 (2016).
Ritsuko left the lab. Thank you, Ritsuko!
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Akatsuki published a revew article on data assimilation coauthoring with Drs. Celani, Nagao, Stasevich, and Nakamura.
*Kimura A, Celani A, Nagao H, Stasevich T, Nakamura K. Estimating cellular parameters through optimization procedures: elementary principles and applications. (Review) Frontiers in Physiology6, 60. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2015.00060 (2015).
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A collaboration research with Dr. Gohta Goshima' group (Nagoya Univ.) was published. Akatsuki contributed to the research.
Nakaoka Y, Kimura A, Tani T, *Goshima G. Cytoplasmic nucleation and atypical branching nucleation generate endoplasmic microtubules in Physcomitrella patens. Plant Cell 27, 228-242 (2015).
Kenji and Akatsuki attended
the C.elegans Development, Cell biology and Gene expression meeting in association with the 6th Asia-Pacific C. elegans Meeting
. Kenji presented his research.
Alexandre Mamane, a graduate student in Paris VI university, joined the lab as a JSPS summer program fellow. He will stay in the lab for 2 months.
Kenji, Ritsuko, and Tomo attended the 66th annual meeting of the Japanese Society for Cell Biology, and presented their researches.
Amogh Jalihal, a student in Sastra University, joined the lab as an NIG inter. He will stay in the lab for 10 weeks.
Yohei Kikuchi joined our lab from Tokyo Institute of Technology.
Kazunori Yamamoto (Kaz) joined our lab from Nagoya University as a Sokendai D3 student.
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Yuki's research was published. The work was a collaboration with Drs. Iwabuch and Ohsumi at Nagoya Univ.
Hara Y, Iwabuchi Y, Ohsumi K, *Kimura A. Intranuclear DNA density affects chromosome condensation in metazoans. Mol. Biol. Cell 24, 2442-2453 (2013).
Tomo joined the lab from Hiroshima University (the Hosoya Lab) .
Takeshi left the lab and became a project assistant professor at Hiroshima University. Good luck, Takeshi!
Ritsuya left the lab and became a post-doctoral fellow in European Molecular Biology Laboratory (the Hiiragi Group) at Germany. Good luck, Ritsuya!
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Yuki's research was published.
Hara Y, *Kimura A. An allometric relationship between mitotic spindle width, spindle length, and ploidy in Caenorhabditis elegans embryos. Mol Biol. Cell 24, 1411-1419 (2013).
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A collaboration research with Dr. Saga' group (NIG) was published. Takeshi contributed to the research.
Okubo Y, Sugawara T, Abe-Koduka N, Kanno J, Kimura A, Saga Y. Lfng regulates the synchronized oscillation of the mouse segmentation clock via trans-repression of Notch signalling.Nat Commun.2012 Oct 16;3:1141.
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Kenji's paper was published.
Kenji Kimura and Akatsuki Kimura. Rab6 is required for the exocytosis of cortical granules and the recruitment of separase to the granules during the oocyte-to-embryo transition in Caenorhabditis elegans. Journal of Cell Science 125, 5897-5905 (2012).
Kenji became the assistant professor of the lab.
Interview for Dr. Hanako Hayashi, a former member of the lab, was was posted on NIG website.
The 5th East Asia Worm Meeting was held in Taiwan (2012.06.27-6.30). Akatsuki served as an organizer.
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Hanako's paper was published!
Hayashi H., Kimura K., and *Kimura A. Localized accumulation of tubulin during semi-open mitosis in the Caenorhabditis elegans embryo. Mol. Biol. Cell, 23, 1688-1699 (2012)
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Hiroshi's paper was published! The work was a collaboration with Dr. Umeda at Kobe Univ. and Drs. Nakamura and Higuchi at Institute of Statistical Mathematics.
Koyama H., Umeda T., Nakamura K, Higuchi T. and *Kimura A. A high-resolution shape fitting and simulation demonstrated equatorial cell surface softening during cytokinesis and its promotive role in cytokinesis. PLoS ONE 7, e31607 (2012)
Yuki left the lab and became a post-doctoral fellow at EMBL (the Merten Lab) in Germany. Good luck, Yuki!
Hanako left the lab and became a researcher at RIKEN CDB (the Yonemura Lab). Good luck, Hanako!
Hiroshi left the lab and became an assistant processor at National Institute of Basic Biology (the Fujimori Lab). Good luck, Hiroshi!
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Ritsuya's paper was published! The work was a collaboration with Dr. Kyosuke Shinohara at Osaka Univ.
Niwayama R., Shinohara K., and *Kimura A. The hydrodynamic property of the cytoplasm is sufficient to mediate cytoplasmic streaming in the Caenorhabiditis elegans embryo. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 108, 11900-11905 (2011)
Yoko left the lab. Thank you, Yoko!
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Kenji's Paper was published!
Kimura K., and *Kimura A. Intracellular organelles mediate cytoplasmic pulling force for centrosome centration in the Caenorhabditis elegans early embryo. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108, 137-142 (2011)