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キツツキ科の鳥 Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker - "Kogera"
A woodpecker made her (his?) house in a tree just in front of our lab.
Movies of KOGERA
International guests are visiting the lab
NIG Intern, Amogh JALIHAL from SASTRA university, INDIA
インドのSastra大学の学生のAmogh Jalihal君が遺伝研が毎年夏に実施している国際インターン制度を利用して細胞建築研究室に滞在しています。2ヶ月の滞在で、実験やデータ解析等を実習し、日本での生活を体験します。
As an intern at the Kimura Lab, I am having the time of my life, both academically and other wise. Life in Mishima City is very accessible to Foreigners, and the NIG takes great pains to ensure the comfort of all visitors. I look forward to a fruitful internship, and hopefully, a continued relationship with the Lab and the Lab members.
JSPS Summer program fellow, Alexandre MAMANE
パリ第6大学の大学院生のAlexandre Mamane君が日本学術振興会のサマープログラム研究員として2ヶ月の予定で細胞研究室に滞在しています。
Alexandre Mamane,a graduate student in Paris VI university, joined the lab as a JSPS summer program fellow.
2014年の夏は山に挑みます! Road to Mt. Fuji
Some members of the C. elegans labs in NIG are going to climb Mt. Fuji this summer. For preparation, some of our lab members are climbing nearby mountains on weekends.