National Institute of Genetics 国立遺伝学研究所 木村暁研究室

研究内容の紹介 コラム

Quantification & Computation -計る、そして計算する-





コメント: 木村 暁

Quantification and Computation

Quantification and Computation have always been critical in natural science. However, their importance has been undervalued in modern molecular biology. The results of the experiments were often described in all-or-none fashion and the consequences of most of the guesses/hypotheses were intuitively evident.

In recent years, however, quantification and computation became important in molecular and cell biology fields. Genome projects and other Omics studies provide huge amount of data. Progresses in imaging technology also provided us precise quantitative data. Understanding of basic biological processes led us to tackle more complicated processes, where the consequences of the guesses/hypotheses are no more evident. We have to go back to the basic of the natural science and handle the data using quantification and computation.

Computer simulation is useful in characterizing the consequence of the guesses/hypotheses. Construction of computer simulation has other advantages for research. One is providing questions. When we construct a simulation of a phenomenon, we often realize how less we know about the phenomenon. This awareness of ignorance provides us questions and motivations in the research. Another is the way to present the achievements.

Leonardo da Vinci is famous both as an artist and scientist. His achievements in science are reflected in his paintings such as Mona Lisa, or the Last Supper. I suppose producing art works was a way for him to present the achievements of his scientific research. I also believe that producing art works provided him a motivation or questions for his scientific research. I position computer simulation as a 4-D painting that provides questions and motivation and ways to present our knowledge.
(A. Kimura)